How to get your kids to pick up their toys.


Live Class on Tuesday @ 1 PM ET

or Catch The Video Replay FOR A LIMITED TIME

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And in dozens of other print, digital and television media outlets.

It's Time To Say Goodbye to Toy Turmoil!

frustrated parents with messy playroom

Put an end to the arguments

over toy cleanup!

Stop feeling frustrated by the never-ending struggle to get your kids to pick up their toys!

Tackle the endless toy cleanup battles with ways to get your kids to take ownership of their things.

Say goodbye to stress and get your kids to pick up their toy mess!

At the end of the webinar, an exclusive price for a toy organization course will be offered.

Mark Your Calendar

Transform the Tantrums

In 20 Minutes


{Or Video Replay!}

This class is perfect for parents of kids ages two to ten!

Inside this Class, You'll get the best advice for:

  • Learning time-saving hacks to streamline the toy cleanup process.

  • Understanding why they won't do it and how to change your cleanup asks into toy pick up tasks.

  • Ways to make cleanup time fun and an enjoyable activity.

  • Developing accountability so your kids take responsibility for their toys and develop independence for other things too.

  • Setting positive solutions without resorting to taking toys away.

kid picking up toys

Whether You Have a

Small Playroom or No Playroom

Big House or Small Space

this class will tackle the toy tantrums!

At the end of the webinar, an exclusive price for a toy organization course will be offered.


Meet Charlene

Charlene has been in the toy industry since 2012! She has served up toy tips and parenting advice in over 100 nationwide television and media segments and contributed to over 300 podcasts, magazines, newspapers, and website articles.

But as a Mom of two kids and as a professional toy expert, she sees hundreds of toys every year and knows what will last and what will crash, as well as how to handle the massive amount of toys that will go through our homes. However, the first step in toy-sanity is getting the kids to pick them up!

As a toy and play expert, Charlene takes the puzzle out of play for thousands of parents and caregivers - and she is excited to share her tidy toy tips with you!

image of charlene

At the end of the webinar, an exclusive price for a toy organization course will be offered.

Playroom Chronicles & The Play Insider® 2025

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